Walden: Life in the Woods

    AUTEUR(S): Henry David Thoreau.

    TAAL: Engels.
    JAAR: 2017.
    PAGINA’S: 355.
    DRUK: Heruitgave.
    STAAT: Nieuw (New).
    UITVOERING: Hardback.
    ISBN/EAN: 9781423646792


    A beloved classic reissued for contemporary readers.

    Experience a year in the life of Thoreau at Walden Pond in this classic work. Visit the bean-field, the village, and the ponds; learn about our brute neighbors, the higher laws of nature and humankind, and the benefits of reading and solitude.


    Op voorraad

    Henry David Thoreau. Walden: Life in the Woods. GIBBS SMITH, verschenen in 2017. 355 pagina’s. Heruitgave. Staat: Nieuw (New). Hardback.

    INTERN ID: 9781423646792
    NUR: Onbekend.
    LCCN: Onbekend.
    DCC: Onbekend.
    LCC: Onbekend.