Rockin’ it Suckers. New York City’s Most Wanted Graffiti Vandals

    AUTEUR(S): KET (Graffiti artist), Cousin Frank.

    TAAL: Engels.
    FORMAAT: mm.
    GEWICHT: gram.
    STAAT: Nieuw (New).
    ISBN/EAN: 9789185639359.


    New York in the 1980s was a city tormented by violent crime. But despite the violence some found room for creativity. Hip hop culture was in full bloom and a group of young graffiti artists became famous for their determination to keep the subway trains colourful despite the city’s zero-tolerance policy towards graffiti. They became known as the infamous RIS crew, waging a war with the city’s authorities. As a result, they took over New York with style, becoming one of the world’s most influential graffiti crews. This is their story.


    Op voorraad

    KET (Graffiti artist), Cousin Frank. Rockin’ it Suckers. New York City’s Most Wanted Graffiti Vandals. [uitgever onbekend]. [publicatiedatum onbekend]. [?p.] mm. gram. Staat: Nieuw (New).

    INTERN ID: 9789185639359.
    NUR: Onbekend.
    LCCN: Onbekend.
    DCC: Onbekend.
    LCC: Onbekend.