On Women

    AUTEUR(S): Susan Sontag.

    TAAL: Engels.
    UITGEVER: Penguin.
    JAAR: 2023.
    PAGINA’S: 184.
    DRUK: Eerste editie.
    STAAT: Nieuw (New).
    UITVOERING: Hardback.
    ISBN/EAN: 9780241597118


    On Women brings together Susan Sontag’s most fearless and incisive writing on women, a crucial aspect of her work that has not until now received the attention it deserves. For the most part written in the 1970s during the height of second-wave feminism, Sontag’s essays are strikingly relevant to our contemporary conversations. At times powerfully in sync and at others powerfully at odds with them, they are always characteristically original in their examinations of the ‘biological division of labour’, the double-standard for ageing and the dynamics of women’s powerlessness and women’s power.


    Op voorraad

    Susan Sontag. On Women. Penguin, verschenen in 2023. 184 pagina’s. Eerste editie. Staat: Nieuw (New). Hardback.

    INTERN ID: 9780241597118
    NUR: Onbekend.
    LCCN: Onbekend.
    DCC: Onbekend.
    LCC: Onbekend.