Big Panda and Tiny Dragon

    AUTEUR(S): James Norbury.

    TAAL: Engels.
    UITGEVER: Michael Joseph.
    JAAR: 2021.
    PAGINA’S: 160.
    DRUK: Herdruk.
    STAAT: Nieuw (New).
    UITVOERING: Hardback.
    ISBN/EAN: 9780241529324


    Friends Big Panda and Tiny Dragon journey through the seasons of the year together, day and night, in rain and in sun. Travelling through nature, they find hope and inspiration in the world around them, realising that even in the darkest of days, Spring will always return. Feel the calming influence of Big Panda, who reminds us of the bigger picture while appreciating the simplicity of small moments.


    Op voorraad

    James Norbury. Big Panda and Tiny Dragon. Michael Joseph, verschenen in 2021. 160 pagina’s. Herdruk. Staat: Nieuw (New). Hardback.

    INTERN ID: 9780241529324
    NUR: Onbekend.
    LCCN: Onbekend.
    DCC: Onbekend.
    LCC: Onbekend.